Thursday 27 January 2011

Eating Shane Ritchie

We had Shane Ritchie for tea tonight.

Not the ipsa corpora of Shane, obviously, but Shane's Penne Pollo Arrabiata. It's a recipe he's fond of rustling up, according to Hello! mag (although I suspect Shane had about as much input into it as he has into Egyptian foreign policy).

Whatever (as I expect Shane said to the girl from Hello! when he realised they were phoning about putting his name on a pasta recipe rather than a cover spread about his lovely home), Penny-Whatsname-Arabia-Whatsname is a bit of a mouthful to say (never mind swallow - ho ho!) so when I ask what we're having for tea and that's what it is, Carol says "We're having Shane Ritchie".

The other night we had Kenny Logan. That's lasagne and we've even been known to have Sir Steven Redgrave's Baked Penne with Dolcelatte and Radicchio - which is too much of mouthful in every department, it would appear, because when I asked why we haven't had Steve for a bit, Carol replied with characteristic succinctness: "It gives me the skitters."

Celebrity recipes would be good material for a round on "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue". Do you have a favourite one? Do leave a comment if you do. Bit of breast, Kat?

(Sorry - this will be meaningless to non-UK readers)

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